July 31, 2011

ℱeelings vs Words

"People may forget what you said,
but they will never forget how you make them feel."

Those Feelings II by ~VioletEvans

Those Feelings I by ~VioletEvans

-- Carl W. Buechner

P/S: With this being said,
it seems feelings speak louder than words.
If you know what I mean.

Finding ℒove

 No one said finding a once-in-a-lifetime ℒove would be easy;
Picture by ~sh4hid
they only said it would be worth it.

Picture by


July 28, 2011

Great relationships. . .

All great relationships 
begin and end with yourself.

...Kim Olver
Picture by ~desanvium

What do you say?

 P/S: I do agree with this statement.
It is your relationship,
you (of course, and your partner) have to make it work.
Outsiders can do little to begin or end your relationship.

A dose of fear

Along with the desire to fall in ℒove. . .
. . .was a healthy dose of fear
Afraid to Love by ~LaceWingedSaby
There are people afraid of falling in love
But, have you ever what are they afraid of?
Why are they afraid to fall in love?

Well, here's what I think.
...afraid of being hurt
...had bad experience(s) in the past
...afraid of betrayal
...not willing to give up freedom/independence YET
...afraid of what others say/think
...afraid of rejection

However afraid you are to fall in love, 
you can never hardly control your feelings/emotions.
Those who are able to control, 
well, congratulations if you really are able to
or else, you are probably lying to yourself,
denying our own feelings
You may be hoping for some fairytale/movie-alike love life
with happy endings,
But that kind of love hardly exist
even if it does, probably just a handful of relationships work that way.

P/S: You have to give love in order to receive one.
I guess the questions here are,
ARE YOU READY to give love?
ARE YOU WILLING to take a chance at love?

July 26, 2011

If you want me...

Found these songs recently and loved it. 
Thought I'd share them.
(Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the player)

If You Want Me by Marketa Irglova And Glen Hansard
(Soundtrack from the movie 'ONCE')

Between the Bars by Elliott Smith 
(From the album 'Either/Or')

July 24, 2011

Discovery of ℒove

ℒove is the discovery of ourselves in others,
and the delight in recognition.

July 16, 2011

Winter. . .alone

Alone on a Saturday night
sitting by the river

Looking at couples, families, friends
talking, laughing, taking photographs
Street performers making passerby amazed, laughed;
trying to make a living although
they always deny it.

Everyone spending time together with their loved ones, 
having fun while making memories.

Just by looking at these, wouldn't one feel warm on such a cold night?

Well, let me tell you this, NO
It's freezing out here.
Then, you probably wondering why the heck I'm out here if it's cold.
I could have just stayed at home.
True but the thing is I don't feel like staying at home the place I'm living right now.
Those people are always arguing...for whatever reason.
Anyone would've rather stay out of the house.
Because listening to them arguing will only make you feel worst than you already did.
Of course, that is if you're in a bad mood.
But even if you are in a good mood, they'll just spoil it. [mood spoiler]
Also, I prefer to have some 'me time'.
which means, spending some quality time with MYSELF.
Just to relax, have a peace of mind, and to think things through. 
Okay, maybe not the last one.
There's not much things to think though.

July 11, 2011

July 4, 2011

Falling in ℒove

Everyone has their own definition of falling in ℒove.

I came across this few weeks ago,
thought I'll share it

Not about finding the right person,
Not about finding the ideal match,
Not about liking the same thing,
Not about the person's name, identity, pasts, secrets

But despite all,
You ℒOVE that person.

P/S: But this may be opposite for some people.
They want an ideal match,
They want their partner to have the same interest as them,
Some might even care more about status, identity. . .;
perhaps they realize reality is different from what they wished they have.

ℱriendship or ℒove

People always say a girl and a boy can never be close friends.

Because, at one point, they will eventually end up liking each other.

What if this happens to you?
Say, you have a very close friend who is from the opposite sex.
But one day, suddenly, it feels as if the feelings has gone beyond that (friendship)
You have already fall for your close friend.
Will you choose to tell him or...keep it from him, thinking those instances when friendship contains more weight than love.

Sometimes, one might choose to treasure their friendship because they are afraid to lose it.

But on the other side, 

is it really that important to categorize your relationship; whether you're friends or lovers?

P/S: You might regret when your best friend starting to like someone else.
Think about how important to have your best friend by your side,
whether as a friend or lover.
Then you decide whether or not you're going to confess.
Because no one can really help you to decide.