I once read a fictional story. . .and came across this theory.
Thought I will share will y'all.
It says,
"A woman can tell a man's heart by his kisses
It takes time to understand a man, and the best way to start was through his kisses.
To tell the absolute truth from a man's physicality,
it was through the way he held onto a kiss
If a man can make a woman tingle from her head to toes with that one kiss
he was the one for her.
A woman can know much about a man when they're kissing. So it was the kisses
. Not the sex.
was complicated enough without having to decipher a man during it.
A good man may be bad-ass in bed, and a bad man may be a weak man in bed.
Sex doesn't tell anything about a man. If anything, it just separates the legit from the obsolete. That was all sex ever told. But kisses
. . .were different.
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